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A Passover Seder for non-Jews

Sunday, March 3, 2019 from 2:00 to 4 PM at Temple Concord, 9 Riverside Drive, Binghamton NY 13905

Experience a Jewish Passover seder

Our Passover Seder for non-Jews is designed to provide the interfaith community an authentic, comfortable experience. 


A light vegetarian meal will be served; grape juice will be served in lieu of wine. You will receive a Passover Haggadah (booklet) to take home.

$10 per person, payable at the entry

(event subsidized by the Children of Abraham, contact us in advance if the cost is prohibitive) 


As you can imagine, it will take a lot of work to make this a success.  Can you volunteer a couple of hours? 

Volunteer for Seder preparation
Volunteer for Seder cleanup
Shalom Aleichem * Peace be with you * Salaam Alaikum
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